Wednesday, February 6, 2013

WIP Wednesday

It's still Wednesday here in Oregon for another hour, so I'm gonna sneak in a late-day WIP Wednesday post.

I'm working on some fingerless mitts:

I designed these with an i-cord cast on and twisted stitches. I'm knitting my sample out of Knitted Wit's Rambouillet fingering. It's a lovely soft yarn which I highly recommend, although I'm a little worried how well it will hold up to the hard use I give gloves. It seems like a delicate yarn and may have a tendency to pill. (What, me, knit, frog, and reknit a design-in-progress a bajillion times? Never, I say. Well, okay, almost always. And definitely this time). I'll have to keep an eye on how the mitts wear and maybe reserve them for Sunday best.

I also have a double-knit wrister in progress. I'm taking Alasdair Post-Quinn's Craftsy class Adventures in Double-Knitting (Full disclosure: I was given free access to the class to review it). So far I've only had time to watch the first few lessons, but I'm really enjoying it. I've done a little double-knitting before, so these first lessons have been more review for me rather than learning new skills.

The first class project is a little swatch:

I made mine out of some Lion Brand Fisherman's wool I had in my stash.

The next class project is a wrister I'm making out of some Kid-n-Ewe from stash. This is an old discontinued worsted weight yarn that I made myself a sweater out of back in the nineties.

I actually took this photo this afternoon and finished  the wrister this evening, but there's no light now to take a new photo. Maybe I'll give it a bath and do a FO Friday post :^)

The next few lessons cover increases and decreases, cables, and other more advanced techniques. I've only ever done straight double-knitting without even any increases or decreases, so I expect I'll learn a lot. I'll post a full review of the class once I've finished.

You can get the class for $19.99 (50% off the usual $39.99) here. Alisdair Post-Quinn is the author of the book Extreme Double-Knitting and is very much the expert on this technique, so it's a great opportunity to learn from someone who knows his stuff. Check out his website at

Linking this post up with Tami's Ami's WIP Wednesday.

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